Privacy Policy

Privacy Officer

If you have any question regarding ODEM Solutions Inc.'s privacy policy, please contact Mr. Jean-Philippe Hommel.

[email protected]


Today's digital age presents challenges when it comes to privacy. That is why it is essential to be vigilant with your personal information. Twist production, a collection of ODEM Solutions Inc. is therefore committed to respecting the confidentiality of the personal information we collect through our website.

Collected Information Provided by the User via the Question Form

Name and email address.

This personal information is provided by the user via the question or comment request form.

They are used exclusively to communicate with customers.

Collected information provided by the user via the online store

Name, email address, phone number, shipping information (including street address, city, country, province, postal code) and payment information (credit card).

This personal information is provided by the user when ordering a product from the Twist production online store. The data collected is used only to carry out the delivery of the products ordered by the customer and is processed by ODEM Solutions Inc, Snipcart and Stripe.

We use Snipcart as the shopping cart platform for Twist's online store.
Snipcart Privacy Policy - Privacy - Support | Snipcart

We use Stripe for online order management
Stripe Privacy Policy – Privacy Policy (

Collected information when browsing the website

Collected data is anonymous. This includes the source, the type of browser used and the pages visited.

We use Google Analytics as a tool for audience measurement and analysis of visits to our website.

Google Analytics - Privacy Policy – Privacy & Terms – Google

We use the data as a reference to improve user experience on the website.

Right of access to information, right of refusal and withdraw consent

If you would like to know what information we have about you, see it, change it or remove it from our database, please contact our Privacy Officer. (Contact information at the top of the page)

Security Protocol

To ensure the protection of your personal information, we will not share it with third parties without your explicit consent. The data collected will only be used in the context of the services we offer you.


Quebec / Maritime Provinces

Nicole Ouellette
Sales Representative
Business Development

Tel: 1 (855) 352-7979 #241
Cell: (514) 984-8949
Fax: (418) 849-9027
[email protected]

Canada / United States

Patrick L. Duval
Sales Representative
Business Development

Tel: 1 (855) 352-7979 #263
Cell: (418) 953-9926
Fax: (418) 849-9027


Twist Production

A collection of ODEM Solution inc.

Tel: 1 (855) 352-7979

695, rue du Carbone
Québec, QC, Canada
G2N 2K7

privacy policy

Custom projects !

We offer development and manufacturing services for rotationally molded products.


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